Ask These Questions to a Wrongful Death Lawyer to Choose the Right Advocate for Your Case

  • December 21, 2023
  • 2 minutes

The concept of wrongful death reverberates deeply in the annals of jurisprudence, punctuated by a centuries-old maxim, "Actio personalis moritur cum persona," meaning personal actions die with the person. Fortunately, with the evolution of legal systems, this legal doctrine has been modified to accommodate the essence of wrongful death, facilitating justice for bereaved families.

A wrongful death claim, as its nomenclature suggests, is a legal action brought by the survivors of an individual who has passed away due to the misconduct or negligence of another. This legal provision is predicated on the notion of 'duty of care,' a keystone principle in tort law. Duty of care dictates that one must not harm others through reckless behavior or negligence. The violation of this principle, resulting in death, lays the foundation for a wrongful death lawsuit.

In this labyrinthine legal process, the role of a wrongful death lawyer becomes par excellence. However, the choice of the right advocate is tantamount to navigating a complex maze. Here are some crucial questions that elucidate the process of choosing the right wrongful death lawyer.

  • What is your specific experience in handling wrongful death cases?
  • How would you determine the value of my case?
  • How will you approach the investigation?
  • What is your fee structure?
  • How often do you take cases to trial?
  • How do you communicate with clients?

1. What is your specific experience in handling wrongful death cases?

To gauge the proficiency of a lawyer in the domain of wrongful death cases, exploring their past case history becomes vital. A lawyer with an illustrious record of such cases is likely to be well-versed in intricacies and nuances that might influence the case outcome.

2. How would you determine the value of my case?

Unlike other areas of law, wrongful death cases do not have a definitive formula to calculate damages. However, there exist several heuristic models, such as the human capital approach or the willingness-to-pay approach, which lawyers use to quantify economic and non-economic damages. Understanding a lawyer's strategy in this regard is crucial.

3. How will you approach the investigation?

The principle of res ipsa loquitur, or "the thing speaks for itself," often becomes a fulcrum in wrongful death cases. The lawyer's investigative approach can significantly determine the strength of this principle in your case.

4. What is your fee structure?

Most attorneys work on a contingency fee basis in wrongful death cases, which means they only get paid if they win the case. Asking about the fee structure is paramount to avoid potential financial implications later.

5. How often do you take cases to trial?

The Nash equilibrium, a fundamental concept in game theory, dictates that the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself and the group. A lawyer who is not afraid to go to trial ensures that you're not forced to accept a settlement that's less than the case's worth.

6. How do you communicate with clients?

Effective communication is the sine qua non of any successful attorney-client relationship. A lawyer who keeps you updated about the case proceedings and is available to answer your queries is more likely to provide a stress-free experience.

In conclusion, the process of choosing a wrongful death lawyer becomes a crucial determinant in the pursuit of justice. These questions are designed to shed light on the lawyer's abilities, experience, and approach, thereby ensuring you choose the right advocate for your case. After all, as renowned jurist Lord Denning observed, "Justice must be done, though the heavens fall."

Learn More

Unearth the power of justice and arm yourself with knowledge by delving deeper into our enlightening blog posts about wrongful death lawyers. For an unbiased, comprehensive view, the reader is encouraged to explore our meticulously compiled rankings of Top Wrongful Death Lawyers in Los Angeles.